Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Devil Wears Prada

Not sure why i wanted to watch this movie!

Is it because he was drooling over anne hathway[:P :D] or or just to kill the boredom of my insomniac nights!

Well, First things first. Anne did not appeal to me! More over i liked the smart, Fat Anne who wears hideous skirts than the one who comes in the later part.

Loved the part where Meryl gives a history lecture on the sweater Anne wears! [if you had read the above line, you will know why i loved these :)]

Of all the characters in the movie, the one which admired the most was Meryl Streep.[What a lady sir she is ;)]

As soon as you see a guy doing favors and flirting with the heroine, when she has a steady boy friend, you can guess they will end up in bed!

This movie also reinforced my thoughts, why i really prefer watching english movies. They really do think a lot or spend efforts on a thing called "SCREEN PLAY" and give their best shot to make the story more realistic and give a try to tie the loose ends. Above all the climax, usually has a twist, a poetical touch if i may say and keeps you hooked until the last second.

Deepdown if i think, why i really liked the movie is cause, it is the story of most of our lives.

You get in to a job knowing least about it.  Keep thinking that it is a pit stop and temporary thing that will be a ticket to pursue your passions. Keep cribbing about the job and everything. You get englightened during a tea break from your senior colleague that ,If you cant work in what you love, Love the work you do" "Prove that you are good at what you are doing before you ask, this is what i want to do"  You start drinking the Kool Aid,  start worshipping the holycows,you blasphemed; you join the bandwagon and become one among them or even worst among them. All this happens while you forget you (did) are doing all this because, you were not able to beat them and can never accept the reality "they got you too" and you did sell your soul to devil.

And in the end, you think, "I had no choice and I am doing what everybody wanted to do!"

We just lack the courage and conviction to walk away from the hell we rot!


Ramesh said...

A very philosophical post zeno ; Triggered by a movie ??? A job is just like life itself; isn't it? Good bad and the ugly all rolled into one.
Take a break and watch a mindless movie :)

RamNarayanS said...

It is not an easy thing for someone here (India) to say, 'To hell with all this, I'll follow my heart and do a right angled turn' (damn it. I am using a John Roth expression when he right angled Nortel to doom). I at least know of one who has chucked 10 years of IT experience and moved (is moving) into being a media creative. You are bogged too much into family, society, circle of friends et al to influence you to float in the 'quicksand'.

And technically speaking, you take advice from others, but apply your thought on it before you act. There is no point blaming anyone in directing your life around. After all, you should be in control of your life and not the other.

Appu said...

@Ramesh That movie did strike a chord or two i would say :) I really do need a big break! My movie watching rate is already too high. [at least one a day] Seriously, deep down i am very philosophical. for all these modern swamijis i could give a run for their money ;)

@Ram Still i have 5 more years to complete my 10 years ;) I don't think i am quite ready to take such kind of right/left/U-Turn

Yep it's high time, i stop getting bogged down by all this people and be myself!