There would have been lots of instances, you have been irritated by the tele sales callers offering loans and credit cards, when you need them the least. Not to say anything about their timing, when you expect a call from some one special or when getting anointed by your manager.
It's a complete waste of time,wondering how the hell they get your numbers?
Not to mention your mobile carrier, which has the holy right to bug you for the caller tunes and some other offers that you will obviously not be interested.
Once you felt that you could not be bullied or harassed with all these calls, since you have registered in the DNC, there lurks in another evil.
Unsolicited Messages asking your attention for PAN cards, web designs and lots of other stuffs that you saw in public toilets and closed your eyes.
Again your mobile carrier and your bank sends messages on their promotional offers.
Still Wouldn't you agree that it is non-intrusive?
More similar to google ad's that appear in the side of the search!
More similar to the ad that you see while you chat or check your mail in yahoo!
May be the apt one will be the mails that you recieve in your inbox, caused you signed up to recieve the promotional mails from their partners, so you can enjoy the free mail.
Well why don't the mobile carriers take a leaf out of this model and make money for themselves?
When the sites like and indyarocks are already making money already letting their customers to send free SMS over your bandwidth.
Why not the mobile carriers make money for themselves, when they let others to make money making use of them?
Could they come up with possible Win-Win scenario to the customer as well as to themselves!
why not?
Ask the customer to Sign up for the free SMS program
Once the customer has signed up he/she will be able to send Free SMS.
For every free SMS being sent by the customer, the customer shall recieve an ADvertisement message.
The carrier could charge the company whose advertisement is being sent by messages.
Well now the customer is being able to send free messages.
The carrier receives money for the messages sent by the customer from the advertisement message.
Where is the win scenario for the advertiser?
What if, after receiving the message, the customer just chooses to delete the message even with out reading it?
Oh you mean just like, surfing other channels while the advertisment runs in the middle of the movie or the match, or not clicking the google ads that appear in the side of the search or deleting the promotional mail that lies in your inbox just by reading the subject heading.
(Point made that it has always been a challenging task to the marketers to catch the eye balls of the targeted audience irrespective of the advertisement media used)
Surprisingly, here the idea could be tweaked a little bit to get the eye balls of the targetted audience.
the reciever of the SMS could be made to read the SMS ,recieved only after reading Advertisement.(i.e the receiver receieves the advertisement instead of the sender)
Wont the receiver get too much annoyed by the ad messages (apart from the irritating forwards and sweet nothing messages), just because you are getting a free ride on the expense of the others
Well the reciever too could return the favor by signing up to the same program and return the favor(revenge sweet revenge, revenue sweet revenue for the carrier)
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